Do you have acne as an adult?

I am 21 years old. I got a nexplanon implant two weeks ago and have definitely noticed I am a lot more oily. I have always had acne, i inherited my mom's bad skin so if i'm like her i'll have acne until i'm 30 or so, I also got my tons of stretch marks from her, i have them everywhere! belly, butt, hips (no babies). For those of you who get acne as an adult what do you do to get rid of it? I wash my face twice a day, sometimes three times if I feel really oily. And I used prescription acne topical cream. I don't really wear any face makeup, if I do it's mostly just mascara. My pimples tend to always pop up around my chin and around my nose, sometimes my forehead. 
I really need some tricks to help manage it! Do those oil blot papers work? What's your skin care routine?

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