It's the great Makeup Sex Story, Charlie Brown!!!


****I've gotten an overwhelmingly positive and wide spread reaction to my sex stories lately and a lot of people have demanded i keep the momentum going. I'm so happy to evoke such emotion in you guys & I hope you can achieve the mindblowing orgasms I've reached in my stories. So here we go.****

Nothing else in this world can compare to how angry someone you genuinely love can make you. Maybe it has something to do with them knowing exactly what buttons to push to send you into a fiery rage... I don't know, but my man was pushing every single one i had.

I had gotten an early start this particular morning, having woke up, done my full beauty regimen, prepared breakfast, read my bible & exercised all before noon. Needless to say I was feeling accomplished and in a great mood. The sun was shining and everything, it was picture perfect.

I texted my boyfriend to see when he'd be coming over, as this was his only off day in the whole week and I was in need of some serious tlc. He replied quickly saying he wasnt sure and i should hold on. So i tell him alright but ask that he make sure to give me a time. (He has a bad habit of just popping up with no notice and I'm NEVER ready!!)

He agrees and I continue on with my day. At this point im dressed but have no makeup on and am parading around my apartment in only a wig cap, skyping with my sister. (Am i the only one OBSESSED with wigs lately??)

So in a nutshell, I look like a lunatic.

I'm talking to my sister, laughing and joking when all of a sudden i hear keys rattling outside of my propped open door. It was my boyfriend and he hadn't texted or called like he promised. So i hop off the bed and scramble to the door trying to shut it before he can see me looking insane.

Just as i reach the door he hits the corner, makes eye contact with me, and goes, "Ew"

If I wasnt already a melanin goddess, all the color would've left my face. I was flushed. My face on fire as i slammed the door, locked it, hung up with my sister and rushed to put on my wig.

I was so embarrassed and he'd literally just said ew TO MY FACE.

So i take the time to recoup and by the time i come out the room he's having a full phone conversation with someone, totally not even paying attention to me.

So i sit back in my room and wait for him to come in. 45 minutes pass and he still hasnt come in my room. So at this point I'm heated.

He hadn't told me he was coming, said ew to my face, and was now IGNORING me in my OWN HOUSE.

I rush into the living room fuming. Calling him everything but a child of God because he had the nerve to come into my house and disrespect me. We get into it for a good hour. He finally storms out.

About a half hour later he texts me to apologize. Saying that he wasnt trying to insult me and was joking and explained how he couldn't text me because hed lost signal while driving. Yada yada. I was still mad. I HATE being embarrassed.

So he tells me hes outside and hed like to come in and apologize. Because at this point i was being short with him. Saying only yeah and okay over text.

I unlock the door, he comes in and sits on my bed.

"What the hell is your problem," he says accusingly as if it was MY fault I'd gotten my feelings hurt.

I launch into a whole rant about disrespect and how rude he is, so completely wrapped up in my own blind rage I didnt even notice him rising to his feet. He grabbed the ends of my shirt and pulled me to him, startling me out of my argument.

I protest immediately, pushing his arms away, deflecting the distraction tactic he was so obviously pulling.

"Baby girl. Are you really gonna say no to me?" I melt a little on the inside, but am determined to stand my ground and stay angry. He always wins like this! Calling me babygirl and throwing me off.

"Leave me alone," i say pounding against his chest. But honestly it's no use, he's much bigger than i am. So he hardly even notices my attempt to get away. I start fussing, wriggling about in his arms until he losens his grip on me, looking down into my eyes.

"Let me show you I'm sorry, baby " he turns me loose and then takes my face into his hands, kissing me passionately. A tingle starts between my thighs as he reaches downwards to wrap one arm around my waist and pull my crotch to his.

He slides the hand on my face down to my neck, urging me to tip my head to the side so he can trail slow kisses from the space under my ear to my collarbone. Before I can stop it, a moan escapes my lips. Giving away how turned on I'd gotten so quickly.

"Mhm" he says lowly, now licking and sucking the lower area of my neck. His arm coming up to cup my breast. (He knew what he was doing. Whenever I'm horny, my nipples get hard. ) He felt for my nipple, lightly tracing a circled pattern around it, increasing the sensitivity.

"No" I whisper helplessly, knowing I was losing the fight. I lamely attempt to knock his hand from my breast and step back.

The look in his eye made me feel like prey. His eyes glowed as a slow smile spread across his face.

"No?" He questioned, noticing my blushed cheeks. The telltale signs of my horny-ness, written all over my face.

"Come to me" the bass in his voice rocks through. I love when he gets dominant with me. But i am thrown off, trying my hardest to feign aggravated. I can never stay mad at him.

"Now," he commands and before i know it I've instinctively come back to him.

He pushes me down on the bed and without hesitation he's out of his shirt, on top of me, kissing me with a passion I didn't recognize. He pulls my shirt over my head, looking me in the eyes briefly before pulling my breast from my bra and sucking on my nipple.

With the other hand he begins unbuttoning my pants and im already moaning.

He alternates between licking and sucking my nipple as he successfully undoes my jeans and urges me to remove them.

He stands quickly, and in a motion he's undressed. Skin glistening in the dim light of the room.

My pants are around my ankles, me being caught off guard by the beauty that is his body. He bends over, pulling my pants off the rest of the way before spreading my legs and positioning himself between them, placing kisses up my legs, onto my thighs and eventually my now sensitive and wanting clit. He licks and sucks, using a quick motion of his tongue that forces my head back to the bed. My eyes roll back, the relief of him touching me exactly where i need it, nearly unbearable. He falls into a rhythm and before i know it I'm getting warm. Just as an orgasm begins to rear its head, he stops. Causing me to let out a loud gasp.

He chuckles to himself as he crawls forward on his knees, lifting my legs over his shoulders and positioning his shaft to enter me.

He pushes into me slowly, giving me time to adjust to his size. I gasp again, the pleasure of him sliding into me was a mix of pain and euphoria.

He goes all the way in and I'm very aware of his size inside me.

"N-no" I stutter, "Please *his name*" I realize at this moment that I'm so terribly sensitive and even his breathing was raking waves of pleasure through me. His gaze meets mine as he takes in the sight of me, helpless and wanting.

"I love when you beg" he says, before pulling out slightly and thrusting back, launching himself into a quick set of thrusts.

I screamed, immediately thrown over the edge in ecstasy.

He drills into me hard and fast, a smirk crossing his lips as i orgasm, clawing into his back.

"Yes, baby. Like that. Cum for me" and I'm cumming again, one straight after the other. I convulse, screaming out in pleasure as it rocks through me.

He doesnt let up, continuing at this pace as tears begin to well up in my eyes. Every part of me was sensitive. I was on fire. He took this oppurtunity to take my breast into his mouth again, the combination of him fucking me and the stimulation of my breast, sent me spiraling all over again

"Good girl. Cum for me"

It felt like l was barreling down a hill made entirely of warmth and light. I was burning up. Shaking and moaning, begging and pleading for him. He slowed down, allowing me to catch my breath, the slow deep strokes felt amazing.

"Tell me you're mad, i dare you.

You feel so good.

Fuck you're gonna make me cum.

Fuck baby"

With each slow stroke he let out a moan, making me even wetter. He noticed immediately

"You're so fucking wet, baby.

Is that for me?

You got this wet for daddy"

My wetness was audible with the way he was thrusting and as i came for the final time, i brought him with me.

His strokes got more shallow and quick until he throbbed and came, moaning loudly, his whole body quivering.

He kissed me yet again, this time slow and lovingly.

"I'm sorry, baby. I really love you " he whispered before laying down beside me. Pulling me into his arms.

"I love you too, " i said in a mock annoyed tone. I couldn't even pretend. I wasn't mad anymore.

After all, he had just literally fucked me dead. What can i say? I had no complaints.

So my question to you lovely ladies is, do you love some good makeup sex? Whats your stories? And are you more likely to forgive if he fucks you right? Let me know.

In the meantime, may you all be merry and full of cum xox 💖