Successful induction! You can do it mamas!

Went in on Thursday 3/16 for a scheduled induction at 39+6. Was dilated 3 cm and 60% effaced. Doctor came in and broke my water and simultaneously started me on pitocin. I was on a very low dose of pitocin (2 units) but labor progressed very quickly. The nurse even said "Wow, I haven't had a patient on this low of a dose in ages. Yesterday my patient was on THIRTY units!" At one point they even shut my pitocin off until I could get the epidural because my contractions were very intense and right on top of one another. I got the epidural at 6 cm, and within 4 hours of arriving to the hospital I was fully dilated and ready to push! The toughest part was pushing for 3 hours! I thought after a quick labor this would be the easy part. My daughter is not a huge baby, only 7 pounds 8 ounces, but I'm a FTM and needed some help getting her out. After pushing for three hours the doctor came in (she had been in surgery), did an episiotomy, placed the vacuum on her head and in one push she was out! I also ended up with a second degree internal tear. She is so worth it and overall I still think it was a very successful induction and I'm glad my doctor decided to induce me when she did. I was worried about hearing horror stories about being induced but for me it went better than I expected! Just wanted to encourage someone who may be nervous about the same thing. We all are amazing strong women! So meet Charlotte Grace born 3/16 at 4:21 pm!