birth story

I just want to share my birth story with all of you. Please don't get discouraged by not being dilated or effaced. Last Monday I wasn't even a cm dilated nor effaced....had another appointment Thursday for nst everything was perfect was scheduled to be seen on Monday again......well Saturday I was contracting here and there nothing awful so I just wrote it off as Braxton hicks contractions and went on with my day....later that evening they were becoming a little more uncomfortable so I went to bed at 7 but couldn't sleep at all! I dozed off maybe 15 minutes and my SO woke me to see if it was ok for him to have a drink at this point I didn't see any further progression so i said well I guess, hang on I have to go to bathroom, when I wiped toilet paper was full of pink blood... so I told him he better just wait awhile see if anything else happens.... so I bounced on my ball for a little while and paced the house while contractions started coming 3 minutes apart but they still were forward a little bit, I asked my SO to come run my back to see if he could relax me enough to fall back to sleep... he crawled in bed and we were talking for a few minutes when I heard a POP
Water broke! Called midwife she told me to head in to be admitted... got there was checked and was 3cm and 50% effaced... a few hours later I ended up getting a shot of nubane through IV to relax til anesthesia could come give an epidural... got the epidural and was in heaven! Slept a lot of the time..... by 1121 march 12 I pushed out my little 7lb 1oz baby boy ❤️
Wasn't due til march 26th