Incompetent Cervix at 20 weeks?? Emergency surgery?

So on Friday I experienced the scariest event in my whole life. I went in for my anatomy scan at 19 weeks 6 days. I was so afraid there would be something wrong with my baby. During the scan they checked and said baby looked perfectly healthy and that it was a baby GIRL! Then my happiness went to horror within seconds when the tech couldn't see my cervix well. She called in the doctor who did an internal ultrasound vaginally and monitored my cervix. They found that my cervix was funneling from the top and shortening. We could see baby wiggling around in the opening. I wanted to die. This was finally my rainbow after 3 miscarriages within the past year. I was immidiately sent to labor and delivery where they checked my cervix and noticed that the bottom was competely shut but the top was a finger tip dialated, no membranes were coming out but I only had about 2cm of cervix and was 20% effaced. They immediately admitted me and within 3 hours I had an emergency rescue   cerclage put in (they stitched the cervix shut). Everyone on the floor kept telling me how amazing the surgeon who did my cerclage was and that i'm in great hands. After surgery the surgeon told me that surgery went fine and that I will be fine. They were supposed to prescribe me vaginal progesterone but they decided not to until my follow up appointment to see if I need it. I am now on my second day of recovery and SO scared. I put myself on bed rest. I have a follow up appointment in 2 weeks to check everything, I am now considered a high risk pregnancy and i'm so scared my cerclage will fail me and we will lose our princess. Has anyone been through something like this or have any words of encouragement. Please help! I'm freaking out.