Getting over food poisoning/stomach bug

On Thursday I woke up feeling terrible, and ended up being sick out both ends (sorry, TMI!) all day.  At the urging of my OB, I went to the ER and had fluids for dehydration.  I'm not actively vomiting anymore (or the other thing) but I still feel lousy.  I haven't eaten hardly anything in 4 days, though I'm still forcing myself to take my Prenatal.  Oh and I'm 12w3d.  Will baby be ok despite the fact that I'm not eating?  I have literally no appetite.  I tried to force myself to eat last night and threw up again.  Now I don't know if I'm still a little sick from Thursday or if somehow this just made my morning sickness worse (I previously had very consistent moderate nausea but hadn't actually thrown up until Thursday).  Any advice?  Comments?  Similar experiences?  It's like I'm both starving and totally repulsed by food at the same time. 🤢