Hey guurllll! Let's talk about it! I don't wanna be skinny

Is it  just me? I love my friends and sister who can be called small, I do. But girl, my size is a little bigger and I am just so fine with that ? What's with the constant feeling that it's not okay to enjoy your size ? Do you know what I mean ? Like okay, if you're on the bigger size and you want to loose weight baby girl go ahead, all the power to you. BUT if youre considered plus and thats new or its the size you've always been WHY CAN YOU NOT BE SATISFIED WITH THAT ?! Why do we ever see a woman in the bigger size and just say "wow she's so pretty" no it's always "wow she's so pretty, she just gotta loose X amount of LB's". Is that not crazy to anyone else ? I want to know your thoughts !  I personally am not ashamed to be comfortable, satisfied and happy with my body, however I am disgusted to be part of the same species of someone who wants to shame me for it. 
Let me hear your thoughts !