feeling off.... more resentment than depression...


I'm feeling off.... but I'm not sure it's postpartum depression.... I think I almost had to keep myself from falling depressed because I had to be strong for my premature babies. My husband had zero baby experience before them, and has been a complete jerk ever since we came home with them. I've had to learn being a parent, and teach him at the same time. All while making sure my babies were happy and healthy. I hardly had any sleep the first 3 months and they are only 4 months now. I'm still doing everything I can for them, and my husband is still doing as little as possible. He gives me an attitude when I ask him to do something. Because there are several tasks I MAKE him do, and because I am the one with the career and had to return to work in order to provide for them, he would tell you I do nothing for them. But let's see.... I pump. At home and at work. I make all the bottles EVERY DAY! I wake up with them at night if they wake up and need snuggles. I have literally bought everything they own because my husband can't even contribute to the house hold bills. Again I pump!!! That is work. It takes time away from my babies, but I know my milk is what is best for them and the fact I can produce enough for twins is a gift. I do all their laundry. If it wasn't for me, they would never get bathed. I ensure they get their bathes because my husband sure won't. When they were eating every 3 hours around the clock and we had a family member watch them, I labeled the bottles for them. I keep track of when they eat, and how much. Unless I tell my husband to do it, I basically clean all the bottles. I'm essentially a single mother with a man child, basically a 12 year old boy, and 2 babies. I had to find some way to not fall into depression.... not that there is anything wrong with it. It's normal and too many woman go through it and don't get the help they need. I think what I have may be just as bad..... resentment.... I can honestly say I resent my husband because of everything I do for these sweet babies of mine, and the lack of appreciation I get. I resent the fact that he is a lazy minimum wage worker who spends more time with my babies than I do because I have to be the responsible one. I resent him because I'd like to be able to go down to a job that pays less and gives me more time at home. But I can't. Because I'm the one supporting this family.