Hi everyone, 

I'm writing a post to ask you all for a little help for a friend and class mate who is battling secondary bowel cancer. Laura is only 22 and is currently waiting to hear if she has a place at the City of Birmingham University to study geology. She has already had an operation to remove the affected bowel and has been having chemotherapy since August of last year. However, on 6th March she found out she now has secondary tumours else where in the body that have grown in spite of the chemotherapy. We are raising money so she can experience one or more of her dreams, some of which include seeing the Northern Lights, staying a haunted house near the Loch Ness and to visit Machu Pichu. Her boyfriend Ben is her constant companion and they are devoted to each other, this money will send hem on a holiday to remember! Our college has already raised over £800 in fundraising events and there is a just giving page that has raised over £3,770!! Any donations would be deeply appreciated even if it's £1! But we need to raise more money quickly so when she is well enough she can go! 

Thank you for your time, Alice x