ftm feeling anxious to start work

Hello everyone, I just need some advice. My baby will turn 1 next month. I wasn't planning on going back to work but seems like an opportunity is knocking on the door. My previous boss reached out to me regarding an open position. I still have to go through interview and all that. But it's making me really anxious about leaving my baby. My MIL will be at home watching the baby and might also have a babysitter to help out. My husband has a pretty flexible job , some days he works from home. But I breastfeed and the baby is always with me. I do everything for him as his dad is not so hands on. He plays with him and stuff but hasn't done anything like feeding , changing or putting him to sleep.is it a good idea to get back to work. I'll be working full time , will he be okay? Why does my heart sink even thinking about leaving him? Am I overthinking or people generally feel this way.I am really confused , please give positive feedback.thank you for reading this long post!