Back to work struggles

So I know I'm lucky...but I left my full time job to work part time and I feel like my life is more chaotic than it would have been working a steady full time job. I feel like I need to be home, the stressful environment isn't what I want for my daughter. I get home from this new part time job and my husband is so wound up from not being able to eat in a timely fashion and having to watch the baby. He's used to unwinding and if he doesn't get that unwind time, he's a complete dick. We have an hour overlap from the time I go into work and he comes home, so my mom watches her until my hubby can pick her up. And now I get the guilt trip from my mom for even doing that a few times a week. I'm just so strung out, I don't feel like this job is even worth it. Sorry if I sound ungrateful, but this is not what I was expecting