I want to stay at my parents house after birth for 6 weeks. My SO is saying no.

I want to stay at my parents house for 6 weeks after I give birth because my midwife can't travel out of the city to my SO's parents house. We might be living in the basement at his house and paying rent, but I want to be at my home where my mom could help me out with meals and support. There's a culture barrier and I don't like the food at his house because there's too much oil in the vegetarian food and I don't eat animal products at all but that's all they eat. So I feel a bit nervous about meals if I'm exhausted or still healing. I know my mom would be able to help me out with making meals if I'm unable to since she eats the same way I do. He got extremely angry at me and told me no he doesn't want our child at my house because of my sisters (they're not nice to me) but my mother is on my side and here for me. He also doesn't want our child here because we have cats and dust builds up quick. I feel like I should be able to choose where I want to be after birth if I feel the safest and most taken care of at my house. He's also being stubborn about the baby shower location. All of my friends are in the city or in a town west of the city and he lives Far East of the city. Hardly any of my friends would be able to come to the baby shower if we do it at his house, but my friend offered to throw it at her house and I told him we could throw the family one at his house since most of my family have cars. He doesn't want that. I feel like he's trying to make everything his way and I don't like it. Whenever I try to talk about it he freaks out and yells at me. I was even told that if I want to stay at my house to raise the kid on my own then. & he said the same to me when I said it's more convenient to live in the city, and I don't feel comfortable living with his parents and his sister. I feel like it's too crowded and I really don't like the chemicals his mom uses. They make me feel sick.
EDIT: He is able to stay at my house and able to drive over whenever he wants if he doesn't want to stay overnight. (He always comes to the city abayways) I just feel like he is not giving me any options except for to be at his house when I don't feel comfortable with it.