What do you do when you don't even like your husband anymore?

Asia • My husband and I have been ttc for 7 months, and just suffered through a heartbreaking ectopic pregnancy. My heart and body are hurting so much, I just want things to go back to normal.
I'm at the point where I'm about to give up. I feel like I'm just wasting my effort. I know that if he put some energy into our marriage, it could be saved, and even be great again, but he refuses to even try. He gets angry every time I try to talk to him about how he makes me feel, and even results to name calling and belittling. He doesn't know how to communicate, and even though I have repeatedly told him what I need emotionally in this marriage, he doesn't give it to me. I have suggested counseling and even told him I want a divorce, but he doesn't take any of it seriously. He treats me rude, then just expects me to get over it. Idk what to do anymore.