body dysmophia

I honestly hate my body so much. It's gotten so bad that I don't even want to leave the house because I feel so repulsive. I logically know I'm a healthy weight but when I look in the mirror I don't see it. I sometimes want to hide from my partner who I live with just because I'm so ashamed of my body even though he's never given me a reason to think he doesn't like it. I know it's all mental but I can't get past it. I just feel so disgusting. I try eating healthier and working out, and that improves my self esteem for a little while but then it goes right back down to this. I mean, I lost like 14 lbs (in a healthy way) and I felt better for the first month but now I feel just as awful as before even though I haven't gained any weight back. I don't know what to do anymore. It's starting to severely affect my quality of life...