Who to have in the delivery room

Stephanie • I`m 18 years old. I have a 10 month old son, Gabriel Mateo 💕 Expecting my daughter 4/4/17 ❤
When I had my son I had my mom, my boyfriend & his mom in the room with me. My mom & boyfriend held my legs & my boyfriends mom recorded the birth. This time my boyfriends mom wants to hold my legs & be by my side but I don't want her to. I want my mom & boyfriend by my side & I'm not gonna choose her over my mom. Honestly I kinda want it to just be me & my boyfriend because this will be my last pregnancy & I want that special moment with him that I didn't get with having my son.
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Then just have you and your boyfriend! It will just be me and my husband no matter how many people make me feel bad about it!


Nicole • Mar 23, 2017
preach it gurl🙌🙌


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Your birth, your say! 


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I'm only having my boyfriend in the room. If you aren't comfortable with something don't do it!


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It's only ever been just me and hubby and midwives.


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Never ever would I share my delivery room with anyone but my husband. Hell, I don't want most of the staff there.


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At the end of the day this is your baby with your SO.  No one should be guilting you or making you feel bad about only wanting the two of you in there or whomever you choose to have in there with you for support.  It's your choice not theirs.   Be strong and do what you want.  Stand up for yourself.  They will get over it.  


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I'm having a birthing center birth it will be my fiancé and I and of course the midwife. Nobody is allowed up during labor or after when the baby gets here. Nobody is allow to come to my house for the first two weeks they saying I'm being harsh but it's my baby.


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If you want it to be just the two of you, that is totally fine!  I have always had it be just me, my husband, and the doctor. It makes it a very intimate experience. 


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You don't need to decide now. Be honest with anyone you MAY want. I told my mom and MIL that I wanted them there but I reserved the right to kick them out at any time. And I definitely did haha. Ended up only having them back in when my son actually started coming out. They were more than understanding and just happy to be a part of it


Posted at
I would like for my mom & his mom to be there but then again they were already there for one birth. My mom says it's up to me. She would like to be there but it's entirely up to me. I just know my boyfriends mom will throw a fit. He wants both of them there but I want that special moment with just us & our baby.