Is this normal? If not what could it be(comment)?

I hate every single part of my body.  I feel fat, I constantly worry about this, covering myself with baggy clothes on most days, I worry that people are starting at my body, judging me, I have to cover my belly with my hands, or pull my coat over so that people won't see my belly, it doesn't make me comfortable but it helps a little. I rarely eat more than one meal a day. 
Every time I look into the mirror I can't help but cry, I see someone who is ugly, has a massive nose, for as long as I can remember I've constantly wanted surgery to reduce the size. I worry about a scar I have on my forehead, my mum says no one can see it, but I feel like it stands out by a mile. I worry when people stare at me they see spots, rubbish skin, which I always pick at to try and make smooth, I just hate myself. 
I can't stop constantly thinking and comparing myself to other people, thinking about how beautiful they are, or even how confident they appear, and then there's me. I feel like I'm worthless, I feel like I'm disgusting, and it doesn't matter how many times people tell me I'm not, it never changes how I feel. 
I can't really tell anyone how I feel because I get scared people will just think I'm doing it for attention, or they'll think I'm self obsessed, or vain, or just looking for compliments when I'm really not. 
I hate myself. I know that low self confidence exists, and that everyone probably feels like this at some point in there life, but this has gone on probably since I was about 16, I just feel like it's getting even worse now, and it's effecting my eating, and my mood, I won't go out with friends, or socialise because I fear everyone is judging me based on how disguisting I feel. 
I'm going to be brave and put some pictures of whom I am, some of them my hair is different but they're all me, so you can all see. 
This isn't for attention, I just want to know if this is normal, or even to get some advice on how I deal with this.. 😭😭

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