I looked away.

Okay, so I live in the country and my parents have a chicken pen and of course every now and then a chicken will turn up dead due to us living in the country where there are hawks and raccoons that will kill the chickens. Well today when I was putting them up I saw this opossum crawl into the pen, this opossum was as big as a full grown cat. So I run inside and grab a pistol and go out side to shoot it. When I had this idea in my mind I thought I could do it since it's a rodent and I am defending my animals. However, the minute I saw it dead and bleeding I started to cry. I realized I just shot and killed a living animal. I even looked away from the creature when I killed it! I feel horrible about what I just did, even when I killed a small mouse that was inside my home I felt awful! (I still feel awful about it to this day even though I killed the mouse about a year ago)
I don't know if I am just being overly emotional or if I should feel this way, but I can't help but think about that poor animal's blank face and white blood stained fur.