kinda freaked, some help would be nice

hi so i'm a fourteen year old girl and i'm mega worried about like  e v e r y t h i n g. 
about a week ago, i noticed that my nipples were getting sore, so i was like "ah my period is probably coming up," and it arrived a few days later
then my actually boobs started becoming sore, and again i thought it was part of my period.
but then i was like wAIT MAYBE I'M FINALLY GETTING BOOBS WOWZA because i noticed that my left boob was a bit more sore than the other and actually became a tad larger
but i just took a bath, and i noticed that my nipple on my left boob is all weird. i'm not sure how to describe it, but it's just on the nipple and it hurts if i press down in it. it's kind of firm but it isn't necessarily a bump, but it looks kind of lopsided (just the bottom half of my nipple is acting strange, and my period ended today. it was weirdly light this month, i'm not sure if that as anything to do with it.)
i'm kinda freakin a little, and i'm not sure if this is breast cancer or if i'm just a late bloomer, but i'm worried nonetheless. if anyone knows anything about this i would love some reassurance,, thank you kindly!