seedy poop from a formula fed baby?

My now 9 week old son was breastfed for the first 4 weeks and then switched to formula. We started on gerber gentle which he did good on for about a week but then after then developed really bad reflux that made him cry every time he burped, extreme gas and sometimes constipation. We then switched over to enfamil gentlease and his reflux suddenly disappeared and he's not as gassy, no fussiness except the only thing is he now poops CONSTANTLY! I'd say every feeding he poops like the picture above except it's not like his poop when he first began on formula. It reminds you of breastmilk poop, seedy and somewhat liquids. He has is at the very tail end of a cold that he's add with a runny nose and mucus in his throat so we originally thought he was just pooping all the mucus out he's swallowed but it's now been about two weeks with his poop like this.  The pediatrician at his two month well check didn't seem concerned when we described it to her and only asked if it was straight water which it isn't cuz it is seedy. I mean it doesn't seem to bother him except a swore hinney. He doesn't get any pain from pooping or stomach acces anymore..
I'm worried it's not normal and I just don't want him to be going so much that he eventually stops gaining weight. Idk, maybe I'm just being too worried.
Hoping someone has something similar and can shed light :)