Help. (domestic violence)

I'm starting to feel numb and alone. I had the cops called so I can leave my apartment after my husband (who was intoxicated) had me pinned down and his hands pressing on my neck and would not let me leave. After perhaps thirty minutes of trying to leave he asked me to prepare him boiled hotdogs, and I did just that to not anger him. While they were boiling I went out to the balcony which was the only place he allowed me to go in attempt to catch someone's attention to help me get out. They said they'd call the cops and I said okay. Right before the cops arrived he had just fallen asleep giving me the chance to finally get out. I was scared I didn't know where to go. I waited on the police outside my building because I did not want them to go knocking on the door and him finding out I had the cops called on him. But after explaining what happened and telling them I just needed to leave, they told me they had to speak to him to get his side of the story. I told them he was asleep at the moment. They asked me if they can go in, and I told them yes and directed them to where he would be. They told me to stay down stairs while they go up to file a report when they come back. So I waited. They had him hand cuffed and he told them he did not have his hands on me (He tells me the same as well). They also told me because there were no bruises and because I didn't say he was squeezing my neck, they wouldn't take him to jail, which were not my intention to begin with. They asked me if i wanted to charge him of anything and i said no. Than they reported the incident as domestic violence. That was 3 days ago.
Today he calls me telling me that someone he knew looked up his record and stated that I charged him of attempted murder, domestic violence as well as kidnapping. He told me because of this I should leave the country now because things are about to be ugly.
I love this man. I hated the few abuse in the past. But when it was  not those times, despite the struggles we were going through, they were amazing times. We started dating on and off since 2007 but we had always remained friends. I knew of his history, and the last thing I wanted for him is to make his life worse. Now I'm sitting thinking did I make a mistake. Should I had let that slide. I did truly love him, and for some odd reason i still do. But I feel empty. I feel like my world is tumbling down. I feel alone. I want to talk to him, to tell him I'm sorry and that even though he always feels that no one really loves him, I do. But I'm also angry that he is trying to make me seem that I'm the blame for all this, and that whatever I said he did was not true. I know I should seek a therapist, but I still don't know what to do with myself right now. I just want to disappear.