Is this fair?

So, I'm sorry if I put this in the wrong area, and I also apologize if I spell something wrong- I'm exhausted and it's difficult to think right now.
I'm dyslexic, it's really bad and if you have dyslexia you know how it messes with pretty much everything; your sight, thoughts, the way you talk and pronounce things, even your spelling. 
For years, YEARS! I would be called retarded for having a mental disability, and it wasn't the kids no, it was the teachers. It hurt me, and I worked less because I thought if I even tried I would fail anyway and be called those mean names again. But as a moved on to fourth and fifth grade I tried and I was called retarded just like the last schools I went to, at this point I guess I just brushed it off like it was nothing and tried my best in my classes even though I was slower then others, I caught up in middle school and now I'm a sophomore in high school.
Now I've been to many schools, I go to a charter school now so I'm working with the same kids every year barely Any new kids. 
A woman, I'll call her mrs. M, well thought 9th grade I worked my ass off getting 90s and 100s in science and English and decent grades in the other classes. I was offered to go into honors classes for both of those classes. Mrs.M was in the meeting to see if I would and she said that because I'm dyslexic that I would be to slow to make it in that class, and then she put me in a special ed class. I was doing fince, now every fourth period is a walk of shame for me, I had terrible anxiety and it's just gotten worse because of that. Was what she did right?  
Thank you for reading, and thank you all much if you comment I'd love to know your opinions or stories.. 

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