Christina ✌🏽️✨
I'm so happy!!! I just did my own pillow because I refuse to pay a ridiculous amount of money for a pillow when I have a smaller amount of money and basic sewing skills!
In total my pillow cost $14.
3 yards of (on sale) fabric $8
2 huge pillows from Walmart $6
1 hour of hand sewing $0
I am beyond happy with this and will be glad to share instructions! 
9.0k views • 435 upvotes • 108 comments



Posted at
You can also just buy a slip cover for a pregnancy pillow and stuff it with pillow stuffing. For the less crafty mom to be. They're usually only 10-15$


Chelsea • Apr 4, 2017
Definitely just ordered a cover off amazon after seeing this. So helpful. Can't sew to save my life. I just wasn't born with the crafty gene! Thanks ❤️


Briana • Apr 3, 2017
Omg!! Genius!!


Sa • Apr 1, 2017
Why didn't I think of this? 🤔🙄


Posted at
INSTRUCTIONSSo i'm about 5'2 and the pillow is about 3ft tall give or take.MATERIALS1. 3 yards of a sorta thick fabric (It's flannel I think. It feels like pajama pants)2. spool of All-Purpose thread3. sewing needle (I used the long "Doll" needles because i'm clumsy. Still poked myself)4. Scissors5. Empty bowl to round edgesSTEPS1. Unfold the fabric and iron. Fold over short edge like a blanket w/ print on the inside.2. Lay flat and measure how wide you want your pillow. Cut and put to side.3. Depending on how you want your pillow, draw a square and add nubs for back support or openings. Try to use felt pen.4. Use bowl to cut and round out all edges.5. sew from the left top corner to the bottom corner. The top should be good because it was folded over. If you're doing this by hand, go back over and do a cross stitch to strengthen.6. Repeat on right side!!7. Start from the bottom to do the inside portion, without connecting at the bottom just yet.8. Stuff the inside to as soft or as firm. If you want you can add a zipper if you will want to adjust.9. Very important to kinda over-stuff the bottom part before sealing to make sure it has enough stuffing. Seal and cross stitch for strength and you're done!Please let me know if any of my instructions need clarification. I'm not really Martha Stewart I kinda just did it. Enjoy!


Christina ✌🏽️✨ • Apr 8, 2017
The 'nubs' support my belly/back and I stick my left arm and leg under one side and the other side hugs my back/booty


Jess • Apr 5, 2017
I've never seen these pillows before! Only long rectangular ones. Can you please post a photo of you in it??? How does it rest on your belly/back??


Christina ✌🏽️✨ • Apr 1, 2017
Oh, yea! The prepackaged stuffing at the craft store was more expensive than just buying two large pillows and ripping them apart.


Posted at
that pillow looks better than the $45 pregnancy pillow im laying with right now lol i wish i was crafty😅


Christina ✌🏽️✨ • Mar 30, 2017
Lol yea I wish I had extra cash for a nice one.


Posted at
Damn girl make those and sell them! Cause $50 for one is too much 


Briana • Apr 14, 2017
Thanks Nicole! :)


Nicole • Apr 9, 2017
Briana she said a few comment up its


Briana • Apr 9, 2017
I can't find your email 😢


Posted at
Wow!! A regular Martha Stewart are we!?! Damn u did great! 


Christina ✌🏽️✨ • Mar 30, 2017
Thx! Ha I just commented the instructions before I read this, saying how i'm no Martha 😂


Posted at
I made one too! I needed mine extra stuffed though haha, so I had 4 of those "huge" pillows and then an old body pillow. I made it when I was about 12 weeks along, I bought like 4 body pillows my last pregnancy haha so I know I needed a better option for this pregnancy. Now I'm 29weeks and I love it so much, just had to repair a hole where I flip it up and put stress on the fabric. It's squished down some now and is just so comfy. This is when I first finished it (I made a pillow case for it too)


Th • Apr 2, 2017
That's my 4 year old son for scale haha, it's his pillow fort when I'm not using it


Th • Apr 2, 2017
It turned out fine, but was a B to get on so I decided to reuse some body pillow covers I had and just put one on each "leg" and then laid a pillow case over the top part where my head went, I've since added my extra regular pillow I slept with because this heart burn is for real!


Christina ✌🏽️✨ • Mar 30, 2017
Ohhh! How'd the pillow case turn out? I'm thinking of making one !


Posted at
Thanks for sharing. I'll do this! I have to modify a bit maybe because I'm 5'7".


Posted at
I'm proud of you too!! You did an amazing job!


Christina ✌🏽️✨ • Mar 29, 2017
Thanks! I'm going to sleep goooood tonight ha


Posted at
I'm 22 weeks with my first I just use a single body pillow I don't need all around comfort like others do


Hannah • Apr 4, 2017
Nobody needs it, but it makes sleeping much easier


Posted at
I love you for this post 😭😭😭😭❤❤


Christina ✌🏽️✨ • Apr 2, 2017