Bullying and drama

Last Tuesday I had knee surgery during the second week of my spring break. School started back on Monday, my school has a very strict dress code about what length of pants we are allowed to wear. Any pants we wear must come to our knees or longer, however I physically cannot wear pants at the moment due to my knee still healing. I've been wearing shorts all week like the ones pictured, no teacher/administrator has said a word to me except asking how my surgery went. I haven't been dress coded all week. One of my friends told me today that she heard people in the hallway between classes talking about me and my shorts. All of this, piled on top of a comment made about me being "so desperate I'd date my dog" posted publicly on someone's snapchat story, is what I woke up to this morning before school. I'm in the last 8 weeks of my senior year of high school, my prom is on Saturday, and I can't help but sit here and feel sorry for myself because other people have decided to speak when they don't know anything about me. I had 2 weeks of spring break, and before spring break, my boyfriend of 8 months dumped me (today would've been 9 months). The first week of break I spent in Hawaii on a beach, getting tanned, and I reflected on how my ex had treated me during the 8 months we dated. I was glad to be on a beach and single, and now I'm losing friends, getting talked about behind my back, and my self esteem shot, right before my first and only prom.