Would never put my kid in daycare after this bullshit

I work at a daycare for almost 2 yrs. I like working with kids. But i strongly dislike a few of the teachers & the boss( only women works at my daycare). This is something that happened not too long ago.... my coworker would talk shit about one of the boy's mom in front of the young boy. They would say that she's a slut, because she always comes in with slutty clothes and covered in hickeys... And everyday when any of the boys in the daycare misbehaves, the teacher would pull them by the hair & put a hair tie on them & say "since you want to misbehave, how bout i make you into a girl" like HOW THE FUCK IS THAT DISCIPLINE?! The boss sees this shit & thinks it's funny. What should i do about all this? I've just recently found out about all this for over 2 weeks. It bothers me so fucking damn much. Some people think im overreacting about the 2nd part, that it's just teachers trying to be funny.... but seriously, if it was your boy that misbehave and a teacher grabs him by the hair and puts a hair tie on him, telling him he might as well be a girl since he wants to misbehave, HOW TF WOULD THAT MAKE YOU FEEL?