okay well this was originally going to be a comment, but I wana rant and get this out.

Bridgette • Subscribe to my YouTube channel: Bridgette Mcflurry
Let's seeee (was in the same boat) 
(Incidents 1-4, my dad told family, teachers, and his friends, and strangers he met at work, along with coaches of mine everything single time) 
1- my dad decided to snoop through my phone with his stupid slut of an abusive cunt of a girlfriend when I was in the 8th grade and because I was talking sexy (not sexting, just using innuendos) with my boyfriend of 5 FUCKING MONTHS (he didn't know I was dating someone) and then they proceeded to ground me for 3 1/2 months, turn off my phone, and restrict me to Home, school, and swim/soccer (I was captain of both teams... couldn't miss practice) 
2- let's see, this guy who I now realize cat fished me ( not a lot, or for very long.. maybe a week or two) in my freshman year of highschool, they went through my phone and I got in trouble EVEN THOUGH I HADNT SAID ANYTHING SEXUAL AT ALL, and I got grounded for two weeks.
3- this guys make was Mickey, and I'd had a crush on him forever and so we started talking and we sexted(no pics just words)  like once, maybe twice and my dad once again went through my phone, and told everyone. The only things he could find were potentially sexual texts, If i took booty pics or something I'd use a vault to hide them. 
4- aaahhhhh my junior/senior year (I skipped a year of highschool) my dad walked in on me having sex (he was supposed to be at work) with this guy I'd been fucking/talking to for awhile and he sadly knew the guys mom and told her, and the WHOLE ENTIRE FUCKING SCHOOL AND ALL MY GOD DAMN FUCKING TEACHERS, AND MOST OF MY FRIENDS. 
5- aaahhhh well my dad and Cathy went snooping through my room (a monthly occurrence) and they found my bag of sex toys that had a dildo, a vibe or two, but plugs and anal beads, half of which I never used and only bought because I thought I'd use them) and my dad proceeded to take photos and show my coaches and everyone, from them on out Cathy was allowed to call me a slut and a whore and my dad would stand by her calling me all those sexually degrading names because he's so brainwashed by her. 
6- Cathy went snooping once again, and found maybe a pinch of burnt up weed in a tiny bag tucked into the bottom corner of my bed and grounded me a week before my 16th birthday and then managed to plan a birthday party and invite her friends and make it all about her, meanwhile the actual birthday girl was at home with the tv and house and everything locked (they had a lock on the wifi, tv, shower, pantry, etc) 
7- I just wana rant about my stupid cunt of a stepmom, who VERBALLY MENTALLY AND PHYSICALLY ABUSED ME FOR 5 YEARS EVEN THOUGH SHE KNEW ID BEEN ABUSED BY MY MOTHER BEFORE HER. The bitches name is Cathy, and she pushed my dad and influenced him in every single thing he did for/to me. I wasn't allowed to watch tv, all electronics up at 8pm, bedtime at 9:30, even on weekends, 7pm curfew, wasn't allowed to have friends over, wasn't allowed to go out much, was not allowed to each processed American singles cheese, no chips, no good dressings (only cheap shit from the dollar tree), no colored bras or underwear (white, nude, or black), no thongs (funny story I actually had to HAVE A FUCKING PETITION SIGNED WITH 200 SIGNATURES TO GET THEM TO LET ME START WEARING THONGS, the first $100 I spent on thongs Cathy found and threw them away), about $800 in clothes and shoes stolen and thrown away, about $300 in MAKEUP BROKEN AND THROWN ON THE FLOOR, cussed out daily, made to DO EVERY SINGLE FUCKING CHORE IN THE GOD DAMN HOUSE, and even at the end of all of that she still wasn't happy and actually kicked me out last august. 
Anyway moral of the story, don't let her bring you down, keep your head up high. I went through all of that in the span of 5 years, and also managed to live my whole entire life abused and molested/raped when I was younger, and then once again a few months ago by an ex of mine who's now in jail, and I'm still able to keep my head up high. She's being a bitch, at least you aren't out and about sleeping around with every dick you see, a dildo isn't a big deal, masturbation is natural, it's healthy. You do you boo, don't let her bring you down.