low Fluid scare

I went for 38 week u/s because my midwife wanted to check on the baby's growth since I wasn't gaining weight. 
We both had a feeling that baby was growing just fine (it was) but I went for it just in case. 
I had a small fear that once you start interfering that just leads to more interfering and so on. 
Well, they told me I was very low on amniotic fluid according to the u/s.
They told me that even though these measurements are very inaccurate that "just to be safe" I would be encouraged to allow them to induce labor. 
I Wasn't told that maybe waiting until the baby moved could give another reading. Luckily the baby moved at the last second and my level of "2-3" was now "12". Plenty of fluid. 
So....just sharing with you ladies as I strongly felt the whole time that I was certain I hadn't leaked and that baby was fine. Of course had anyone told me they were sure I needed to have the baby asap I would have done it in a heartbeat. But sometimes even a few mins of listening to your own intuition and questioning your options makes a big difference.