feeling helpless and alone

At my appointment today I was put on complete pelvic rest and told not to do anything that requires me to be on my feet for long periods of time. On top of all that I feel extremely alone because my significant other keeps comparing this pregnancy to his ex girlfriends pregnancy with his first child. I have tried to explain to him why it hurts my feelings as we both have kids from previous relationships but he doesn't get it. We were looking at car seats yesterday and I asked if he wanted to find out the sex of our baby and like always he brings up that him and his ex did and it made it fun but there was no surprise in it. I have a lot of stretch marks from my first pregnancy and he constantly tells me if I would have used lotion like his ex did I wouldn't have stretch marks bc she did and she doesn't have any. The list of things that he has said that hurt my feelings just keep mounting and I don't know what to do at this point. Another one is I want a 3D ultrasound and he doesn't want to pay for one bc how expensive they were when he got one with his ex however if it was for his motorcycle club he would have the money in a week....am I just over reacting to all this?