PC Family Situation - Infant Ringworm Exposure

Hey ladies! Would you let a family member who has a very bad untreated case of ringworm on their arms and hands, hold your newborn?  
I'm a soon-to-be FTM, and my stepdad has a seriously nasty ringworm infection, with huge (up to 3 inches wide) lesions on his forearms and hands. I asked him 4 years ago when I noticed it if it was ringworm (I caught it once from a cat so I recognized it), and he said yes, but he's tried OTC creams and hasn't been able to get it to go away. When I caught it, I went to the doctor, they prescribed me a steroid cream and it went away within a week. I'm not sure why he's had such a hard time, but my gut tells me he's just lazy about it. Either way, I feel conflicted about letting him hold our daughter when they come to visit (she's due 6/4), and wondering if I'm being crazy about that. I don't want to hurt his feelings, but at the same time, this is my child! 
I'm contemplating saying something beforehand to ask him to take care of it because right now there's still time, but I'm already anticipating the drama it's going to cause (which anything with him always does in our family), and trying to determine if it's worth it...