3 month and teething.

My Ped said that some kids start as early as 2 months. My LO is 12 weeks tomorrow and 3 months on the 7th of April. He has been showing signs for a few weeks now. But for the past 3 days it's worse. Drools like crazy! He bites and chews on his pacifier 80% of the time and he constantly is trying so hard with desperation to eat his fists. I mean desperation!!!    He went from eating every 3-4 hours for 5-10 minutes to eating every 2 hours for 15-30 minutes at a time. He seems like needs soothing. Wakes up fussing. 
I know he isn't hungry because sometimes he doesn't want my breast or pacifier. He just wants his fists! And when I rub my finger in gums he gets so thrilled! 
Anyone experiencing early teething?!?!?!?