Why I'm Choosing Not To Breastfeed

We are currently trying for Baby #3. I am choosing not to breastfeed from birth due to having had Post Partum Depression, OCD and Anxiety with both my kids (5 years and 8 months old) and still suffering due to it. Due to not being able to latch them on and knowing I was starving them by not having enough milk. Being so young with my first and dealing with my parents abandonment on top of going back to school at 16 years old.

With my first son which is now 5 I had overproduction, bleeding, cracking nipples+the things mentioned above and my own mom putting my down saying my milk was going bad/rotting so to stop breastfeeding because I was hurting my baby. Due to all the stress I tried committing suicide by taking a large amount of pills and did eventually survive by being taken to the hospital.

With my second which is now 8 months old I know better as I am older and more educated. My and DH got out lives together. This time around I did not produce close to enough and our daughter was always hungry. I breastfeed / pumped for 2 and a half weeks and when we went back to see how she was doing they were very worried about her weight. They said supplement with formula and pump. At that point I just felt like a cow constantly pumping, feeding and washing parts. Not having enough time to spend with my older child or my newborn as well as my husband.

I have chosen not to breastfeed at all this time around because I no longer want to be depressed when there's a chance my kids will not get enough to eat or enough attention.