PROS to being induced?


My dream labor and delivery is going into labor on my own, progressing on my own, with no interventions or medications. I'd absolutely love an all natural birth from start to finish.

However. Due to the risks of going overdue and certain health issues I have, the doctor, my husband and I have all agreed I should not go over 41 weeks. Well. The due date was March 29th. Went into the doctor today and I'm 2 CM dialated and 75% effaced, but we all know that it's a 50/50 shot of her coming on her own in the next week. So we went ahead and scheduled to induce on the 6th if she doesn't make an appearance on her own.

So to help make me feel better about this, does anyone have any GOOD induction stories? Did anyone love their induction and have a great labor? I already have heard all of the horror stories, I need some encouragement please