No time for pain meds


I'm a FTM and my birth story went a little differently than expected. Birth was 3/30/17

I was 40+1 when my doc scheduled mms for an induction as 41 weeks. I was a bit disappointed, but not surprised that I wasn't going on my own. I tried a lot of the wives tales at home to try to get it started on my own. They day before my induction I got a call that L&D was full and not to come in in the morning and to call back in the afternoon... long story short we got pushed to the next day. It was an emotional rollercoaster being pushed back and back.

The next morning I called in early to see if it was time and they had a room! I woke my husband, grabbed some breakfast, and headed in!

I was admitted at 7am and saw my OB at 9 to start induction. The OB I had seen throughout pregnancy was out of town so I got a brand new one the day of induction, the funniest thing was she forgot to introduce herself and we spent a couple head- scratching minutes figuring out who she was and that it made sense for her to check my cervix, lol!

Anyway, I was determined to only be 1-2 cm and she wanted to start cytotec rather than pitocin. I expressed my concerns from the things I'd heard about cytotec and she explained that the doses used for induction are much lower than those in old studies that caused issues and that more recent studies did not show significant risks at these dosages. I agreed and we placed the first dose at 9:30am.

I had very small contractions during that time, but my cervix did not change enough and I was not in active labor. We placed a second dose with similar results and it didn't look like today was the day for labor.

They were doing bedside report for the nurse's shift change at 6pm and I was breathing through a moderate contraction when there was a very sharp pain and a pop. It was a little scary and I want sure what had happened until I felt the trickling. I turned to the nurses to tell them my water had just broke and they did they would let the doctor know and start me on pitocin.

While they got a delivery room ready for me, the contractions became stronger and more consistent. When the nurse came back I said I don't think I need the pitocin and she agreed to check me again and call my doc. Well, I was at 4-5 cm and they agreed not to start pitocin thank goodness. At this point, the contractions were becoming more intense and I questioned whether I could make it without an epidural, the nurse reminded me that I could also get IV pain meds and I would have until 8cm to decide. I decided to wait until a little further along thinking that it would be a while.

I got into the shower with my husband at 7:30pm and sat on the birthing ball while he sprayed water on my back and it was amazing!! I stayed in there for about half an hour before I needed to move. I said I wanted to walk around and got 2 contractions into the room before the pain was to intense to stand. I laid on my side in bed through a few contractions when suddenly there was a pushing sensation! I thought this is too soon, don't push!!

The nurse came in at that time and I told her that I was feeling that and she said she could see it on the monitor. It was about 8:15 when she checked and I was at 9cm!!! It had only been an hour going from 4-5 to 9! Two more contractions and I was at 10 cm and ready to push. No time for pain meds, I was planning on un-medicated, but now there was no other option...

As a FTM the pushing part was a bit of a learning curve but I needed to get it before they called my doc. Fortunately, she was already coming in for a social call and a couple more contractions practising pushing and my doc got ready!

Baby was engaged and crowning for approximately 20 minutes and I said several times that I didn't think his head was coming out. It was a very strange feeling because in between contractions I started to relax to the point of dosing off and then waking up when ready to push. I definitely pooped and peed during pushing. I was completely aware that this was happening, but it actually felt better to get it out!

We were getting close with ring of fire in full force and the doc trying to stretch me slowly before I tore. She had just placed lidocaine in my perineum when the urge to push came again and four pushes later I felt him slip out of me!!! We didn't know the gender before birth and my husband said "it's a boy, it's a boy!" And did a little giddy dance which was adorable!!

They set him on my chest and it was perfect! I had a 2nd bordering 3rd degree tear and nasty hemorrhoids, but didn't notice her sewing it up for the most part. My husband cut the cord after delay and that was it at 9:38pm Miles Finley was born at 8lbs 9oz and 21 inches long. It went incredibly fast and caught us all by surprise, but it couldn't have gone better!!!