Yet ANOTHER Facebook Announcement

Callie • 👶🎀 8.18.18. 👶🎀 3.16.20.
One of my friends just announced today on Facebook that she and her husband are having twins. It had me in tears all evening. This is the second pregnancy announcement this week that I've had to deal with. I wish I could be happy for these people, but really I just feel jealous of them and sad and sorry for myself. Everyone around me seems to be getting pregnant, and I can't help but wonder when it'll be our turn. Or if we'll ever even get a turn. And I feel bad for my husband because he doesn't know how to make me feel better. Honestly, I don't either. I'm so impatient, and also so frustrated that we have to struggle with this. It just feels so unfair and emotionally exhausting. I try to stay positive, but it's hard when I keep getting BFNs, while so many others are getting their BFPs. I want this more than anything, and it hurts to see it come so easily for seemingly everyone else. How can I deal with all these announcements? I'm this close to deactivating my Facebook because every announcement just shatters me, and leaves me in pieces for far too long... Anyone else feeling the same? How do you handle it?