Can anyone relate to my situation? Am I Pregnant?


I took this just now, 11 days after day of ovulation. I got my period from 3/9-3/16 I usually spot the first 2-3 days and then get a heavy period. I was fertile 3/15-3/21 but only had sex when I had a 25% chance of getting pregnant which showed to be 3/19. I love having sex but my husband is very lazy and doesn't have a big sex drive like I do, also his sperm count is low (this was said to us by a fertility Dr) so we don't have sex often because I don't want to abuse on the production of the sperm. I have heard that when men have a low sperm count having sex more than once every few days may make it more difficult to get pregnant. I gave natural birth to my first born with my first boyfriend my son is now 11 almost 12 y.o. and I'm so ready to have a baby, it's been 5 years since I have been with my now husband (he has no kids of his own and when we talk about a baby he says we are not ready and that we need $20k in the bank first before having a baby lol I think differently I say that where 2 people eat 3 will too! I just think he's scared 😳) well we have never had protected sex and I was even on birth control for 3 months recently 11/2016-01/2017 I stopped taking it and nothing had happened, I have even done the HCG Diet twice in different months and NADA! Obviously we have sex only about 3-4 times each month because of the situation with the low sperm count and I just recently started using GLOW to help me know when I'm fertile and ovulating each month, it could be that we weren't having sex on my fertile days idk. Thing is I really wanna have a baby - badly!! Can anyone relate about this situation? I'm desperate. I'm only 2 days from getting my period, I thought I would see something on this exam but I don't. I just don't understand why I have been feeling super sleepy and tired, naseaus, and the week after I ovulated I kept feeling a fluttery swimming feeling on my pelvis area (left side). I don't know what to think anymore. I'm so confused! 😔😏