All Advice is Welcomed


I'm looking for advice to best handle a constant and reoccurring problem at work with one of my coworkers. Sorry for the long post.


My husband and I have been TTC for over 3 years (almost 4) and after late AF visits I just can't get my hopes up anymore because every time I do I get emotionally crushed when I take a test and it's negative or when I finally start my cycle. But it seems like every time I'm in a funk around the start of my cycle one of my coworkers has the need to comment on how "not to stress about it". With some of the newer ones being "put out better vibes" "the universe knows when it's your time" and while optimistic it's getting extremely frustrating.

I was talking to someone else about how she handles her precycle cramping because what I've been doing from years isn't working and she pops in.

Coworker: maybe your pregnant

Me: that would be nice but I doubt that.

Coworker: (scoff) well not with that attitude. The universe only gives what you put out.

As anyone who is TTC knows there is a point where in your journey you get discouraged. That there comes a point you can't let your hopes rise because you know the fall is the hardest. 


How should I approach her? I need a solution that is still tactful yet clear enough that she can understand that this is a painful enough process without commentary or peanut galleries. 

Thanks in Advance! 😊