help I'm so lost

So me and my boyfriend or well ex now idk got into an argument 4 days ago not the worst we've had but it's just something about this one that triggered something. We are renting a place together so when we got into that heated argument I told him I was moving out and he because defensive telling me to go and he doesn't care, so I packed some stuff and kept it in the car well I came back to the house a few hours later to try and make things better but he didn't talk to me for a whole day so I left school early to get something for my son at the house and I wanted to talk to him as well we kinda argued and then he finally broke down and said me and my kids deserve better, I love this guy so much it hurts. So he said he's done with me and now we stay together but he says we're not going to be in a relationship again but we're an on again off again couple. So I still stay in the house we both sleep in the same bed and do stuff go places together our norm but only difference we don't hold hands, say I love you show affection that sort but he still calls me babe so I'm confused since we aren't together. I'm hoping he comes around and we can make this work. What would you make of this in my head did he really love me all this time? Will he ever get back with me? Does he care? What do you all think? Please no bashing