after I broke it off he called me a fat cow

So I was seeing this guy. 
Like we met through mutual friends and all we did was hang out and have sex. 
Well he was..he thought he was hot shit and that turned me off from him. He couldn't ever be wrong, he was rude to waitresses in restaurants. He would make scenes and he was such a dick to everyone. He belittled me often. So I cut the ties and moved on and it's like he couldn't accept that. He'd text me and freak out when I didn't respond or if I didn't respond in a way he wanted me to. It was Christmas and he sent me marry Christmas and I said "thanks" and he flipped out posting on my Facebook about kittens and how they wouldn't just walk away from you without a word like what the fuck lol. I just ended up being like "fuck you go away" and he did. He left me alone for a minute until he got on my Facebook and saw that I had found someone else. He decided to text me. He 
Told me that I was a fat, unattractive, disgusting cow. Said he doesn't know why ANYONE would find me attractive or how I could even "get" men. Basically tried to destroy my self esteem. 
My response "congratulations, you fucked a fat girl. A lot. What does that make you? Go shave your back" And then I blocked him. Mind you I am 135 lbs. I am not fat.
I have never met a bigger dick head in my life. Ladies, don't ever let a man do this to you. I still want to throw a brick at his face and it's been over a year. 
He ended up losing the mutual friends we had because they saw how insane he was and they saw the texts between us and had at him like nothing I've ever seen. I don't feel bad. The point: PLEASE DONT LET GUYS TREAT YOU LIKE THIS. EVER. 
he has a girlfriend now and I pity her and what she has to put up with.