Screw you 30!

I turned 30 in December and haven't really drank alcohol much in the past year since we have been TTC. Well, we decided to go to a beer festival today and party a bit like we used to. Fast forward to later in the evening, it's not even 8 PM and my husband and I are BOTH feeling like total crap and had to crawl home and get in bed. And now we are sitting here whining about how the "drunk" part of the day wasn't  even that fun and totally was not worth how crappy we feel now. We went from buzzed to totally sick in an instant. My sister-in-law said to me, "welcome to 30!" Uggghhh so disappointing. I was a party animal in my 20s. Guess those days are behind me! Anyone else get smacked in the face with the realities of getting older?