please help why is he like this

I love my bf so much. Ik he loves me too. It's just he has no "dating common sense". I drop hints so much and then directly tell him and he's still like clueless. We are only 20 so young but I asked him for a week to invite me to an event. He had to buy me a ticket (didn't know if he was gonna) and it's late so I would have to stay at his house (closer by 2 hours). He know my parents want him to always ask if I can stay with him to make sure he takes care of me (their rule they pay for everything for me so I respect them). It's been over a week he still hasn't asked them and he bought me a ticket. I told him so many times he knows their rule. Even with other stuff it's just blows my mind that he he says how he wants to marry me but can't do the little things that he knows he has to do. He has adhd but only really in school stuff do you notice it. Can that be a part of it? I just don't get it part of me feels like he doesn't care but I know he does. It's so confusing and hurts me. I told him this but he just goes idk why I act like that I'm stupid and then I feel bad.