Mother in Law

I was just wondering if anybody else was having trouble with parents or in laws. We told our parents that we are expecting and now my mother in law will not stop asking questions. She told most of the family before we even had time to tell anybody. Also when we made the registry she was saying that we should delete things that we added and we shouldn't do the theme that we want and just basically everything is wrong. She is getting mad that we are not picking what she wants but at the same time this is our first child and my husband and I picked the things that we liked. Is there an approriate way to tell her to back off without making her more mad at us?
Ps she made the baby shower for Father's Day knowing my parents would be unable to come due to going out of town to visit my moms dad and she made the comment that if they love you they will be there right to my face which makes not only my mom and dad feel bad but me as well because I know my mom wants to see her 89 year old father who has cancer but doesn't want me to think she doesn't love me. Which I knows she does but why would she make a comment like that. I need help! Thanks in advance!!