Brain Tumor / Prolactinoma

Hi guys. 
I went for blood work prescribed by my gynecologist about a week ago. She wanted to test things for PCOS such as prolactin levels, and also HCG; because my period is 104 days late (according to <a href="">Eve</a>) and she was worried I may have PCOS. 
So in the morning of my mom's birthday (March 31st), my gyno calls me. Of course she has no idea it's my mother's birthday, but this sure did put a bit of a damper on things for a few hours:
She informs me that my prolactin levels are "off the charts" and "high enough that there's a possibility of a prolactinoma", which is a tumor on the pituitary gland that excretes pituitary hormones like crazy, causing irregular or missed periods (✔️), decreased sex drive (✔️), and of course mammary secretions aka lactation (✔️), (which I didn't even realize was actually lactation because I had gotten my nipples pierced in the beginning of January and it was so little that I thought it was just the piercings healing). 
My mother and I have been researching it and have found out that one of the many psych meds I'm on (Invega) has the potential to elevate prolactin levels in the blood, henceforth possible causing a possible brain tumor/prolactinoma. 
Being my usual self, when I found out, I just thought it was funny and was trying to make jokes out of the possibility that I may have a tumor 🙄 but tonight, I was sitting with my mom eating chocolate chips and suddenly started crying. I'm really scared. I'm really, really scared. I don't know what to do. 
Have any of you, or anybody that you all know had to deal with this? 
I would really, really appreciate prayers, I need all the love and help I can get right now.