Period is late

My period is now late day 7! I've taken 2 pg tests and both have came back negative! Any ideas!! Please help me!!! 

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I had a delay of 10 days. The test was negative. In a week already test was positive [I don't know how say it.. Anyway I was pregnant].Best do not torment yourself with guesses and go to the doctor.P.S. Sorry for my english


Pa • Apr 6, 2017
So it took longer than 10 days to get the positive test?


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I'm assuming that you've had sex recently, but I wouldn't worry too much, please note I'm not an expert though.Ps. I'm late by 14 days, so I feel you on panicking- but I haven't had sex in like 5 months so I know it's just stress or something 


Pa • Apr 6, 2017
Well I'll just say it like it was was on the 25th and period was to be on the 31st.. ??


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You might not have ovulated this month or just ovulated later than normal for some random reason. Meaning, your period could start at any time or pick back up next month where you usually get it. If you're not having any other pregnancy symptoms and have had TWO negative tests I'd feel pretty confidently not pregnant.


Pa • Apr 6, 2017
Thanks so much!! I haven't that I've noticed anyways. The pg test this morning did take way longer to read than the first,idk that that means anything or not? Thanks again!!