Can us women have guy friends?

Reggie • Xoxo Gossip Girl
Alright, so my boyfriend and I have been debating for months if women can have male friends. Basically this debate started because I have two close guy friends (Cole & Antonio), who are now basically my brothers. When I go back to Arizona, I love to see my friends, especially Cole & Antonio.  
I have been friends with Cole & Antonio since freshman year of high school, so for 6 years now. My boyfriend and I have been dating for only 6 months. At first he was trying to make me choose between him and my friends, but I told him they are literally JUST friends. I understand guys want sex. I get that. But I've been friends with these guys for so long that there is ZERO romantic relationship between any of us. Now, I also never hangout with them alone, it's always my best girlfriend Rielyn with me when we hangout with Cole & Antonio. 
Basically, my question is, what do you guys think of this relationship...even though I view them as brothers, I want to hear your opinion. And is it wrong to hangout with them when I go back home?