Confused and emotional


I'm having a really hard time with my parents. I'm 18 we recently moved from New Mexico to Illinois. The main reason for this is my parents wanted to work and give back to a addiction recovery program attached to a church that my mom went to after battling alcoholism since she was 13. My problem is that my parents over the years have become stricter with me and my 3 siblings, instead of letting us grow up. So what set me off was last night I got ready for bed and then walked our dogs, the minute I walked in the door I was getting yelled at FOR WEARING A TANK TOP! It was pitch black nobody could see me, besides they were fine with me wear tank tops last summer. Also they keep making rude remarks to me anytime I wear pants instead of skirts, because my mom has suddenly decided they're immodest. I just have no idea what to do I realize this might be something to be upset about, but should I really throw every piece of clothing that I have to make them happy? This might be dramatic I feel like every bit of Freedom that I have is slowly being taken away from you, and is that you have no control over my life anymore.

Please respond with any tips or advice I could use all the help I can get.