my super awkward bloody story 😫

So me and and this guy have been talking for about a month, going on dates an such and I really like him. He invited me to stay the night last night so of course I'm all over it. We have a good night whatever whatever and this morning I went to go pee and I stood up out of bed I felt it. You ladies have to know what I'm talking about when I say this. You just feel your period start and you feel it just uncontrollably flowing out of you so when I saw he was still sleeping I sprinted like SPRINTED to the bathroom but weirdly w my legs all apart and shit and I make it to the bathroom and I looked down and there was blood everywhere. I mean EVERYWHERE like it wouldn't stop dumping out like I feel like I should be in the hospital w how much blood I lost and it was all over the toilet seat, my legs, the floor and I'm sitting on the toilet with my face in my hands like thinking ya know at least it didn't get on anything of his things and it's just on me. As I'm looking at the floor I see it got all over his toilet mat thing that sits in front of his toilet. I'm stressing tf out at this point like I don't even clean myself up I just stuff a bunch of toilet paper between my legs and grab the mat and take it to the sink and of course it's blood so the bitch isn't coming out of the mat and by this time my boy is awake and I hear him walking down the hall and I'm hoping he can't hear me like hyperventilating freaking tf out and I clean myself up real quick and I fold up the mat and just stuff it in my shirt. IN MY SHIRT REALLY idk what I was thinking but he was in the kitchen by then so I run to his room, put on one of his t shirts and I didn't have a bag or anything w me to hide the evidence so take all my bloody clothes off and I throw everything out his window (I still don't know what I'm doing. I would never be able to get away w murder). I walk in the kitchen pretending to look all sleepy and tell him I can't stay long bc my boss just called me and wanted me to come in so I'm gonna head out. He says "wait you're just gonna go out like that?"  I'm like tryna be nonchalant an say "don't worry baby it's just to my car" and we say our goodbyes and I go outside, boy once I close the door I am running to that window and I grab everything from outside and run to my car. His neighbors prob think I'm psychotic wearing nothing but a t shirt running w various blood covering items to my car so now I'm home and showered and it really sits in that I stole this guys toilet mat and I'm praying I cleaned everything up well and that he just doesn't notice it's gone. Has anyone else ever gone through anything like this?? I feel like I'm always on super awkward predicaments but in my 23 years of living I've never had to experience anything quite like thisÂ