Am I self conscious or is he crossing the line?

Am I the only one who gets upset or experiences feelings of self consciousness when my man likes a sexy photo of another woman on social media (especially instagram) or when he shares a provocative photo of a half-nude lady on Facebook? 
When he does this I can't help but feel not good enough because I look at the photo of the woman and I instantly compare myself to her. Bigger breasts, more toned bum, heaps of tattoos. 
I know we are in a relationship because there's more than just lust involved, there's more of a connection but it just really bugs me. 
I have spoken to him about it and we did come to an agreement where he won't do it because he knows that it hurts me but I'm worried he's only not doing it because I told him to or because he truely wants to respect him. 
Obviously I can't tell him to not be attracted to any other girls ever again because that IMPOSSIBLE but how do I learn to cope/ deal with the idea that he will be sexually attracted to other women's body parts? 
Please tell me I'm not the only one because I don't want to be that stereotypical "tell me I'm prettier" controlling girlfriend but I also need him to respect how it makes me feel. 
Knowing other women go through this exact same problem would help so much to just relax by ranting about the whole thing and not feel so alone. 
How do other women deal with this?