Going crazy!

Since age 16 I've been addicted to sleep-aid,tynole pm & benadryl . I am now 25 and 13 weeks pregnant. I've told my doctor about my sleep problems & addiction, he says it get worst now that I am pregnant and try to take one benadryl a week. Its been so hard on me! If you never been throw addiction than you do not know how it feels to try to stop doing something so you can have a healthy child. I told my coworker about it because she is also pregnant 26weeks .she told me I am trying to kill my baby and that I need rehab! I was so hurt because I am not a drug head,I never in my life smoke ,pop drug pills ,shot up with needles or snort anything!! So for her to say that made me mad,hurt & depressed. My doctor don't seem concern about me taking sleeping pills but I am. Anybody took pills to help them sleep there whole pregnancy? Was the baby OK?!