Porn/masturbation problem

So my boyfriend has had a porn/masturbation addiction for like 8 years... he masturbates like 4 times a day though maybe less since weve been dating, and he has a fuckton of porn videos saved onto his computer, not links from sites but saved on and so many like, enough to need it sorted for which kind and type. But he isnt the way where Im concerned about him possibly cheating, sex with other people isnt something hed do, just the porn aspect. Anyway this makes me insecure even though hes had the problem since way before we were together. I dont mind porn amd masturbation itself just that he has an addiction to it, I havent really talked to him about it or asked him to stop doing it so much and I havent told him how it makes me feel. But is it justified for me to feel insecure and not like it or should I be fine with it. Please help, I want to talk to him about it but Im not sure if its something normal to not like or if I should not mind, am I overreacting/overthinking it?