37+ weeks breech baby UPDATE

Had my ECV today to try and turn our baby girl... failed. They aren't going to give it a second attempt either because she's 2/5th engaged and her butt is way too low into my pelvis they couldn't even dislodge her. They tried so much n it didn't work at all... I was told she's unlikely to budge now. I have been told, due to 3 sucuessful previous vaginal deliveries with no complications they want me to have a natural breech vaginal delivery if i labour spontaneously... by 39 weeks I'm due to have a sweep if nothing's happened by then.. if nothing still happens I am booked in for a c section 10th may at 7am so the latest it'll be now is 10th may before we meet our baby girl. Fingers crossed it'll be earlier however I have to say, I'm scared, nervous and not 100% looking forward to a vaginal breech birth! Lol