1 week PP discharge: sticky / thick / red. normal?

Marli • Lottie Mae norm 3-23-20. Liam Thomas🌈 born 4-7-17. Angel baby 5-4-16. Hubby & I married 11-1-14. Have two Pomeranian `babies`.
So I had a fairly easy post partum to startwith. Heavy bleeding for two days that got lighter and lighter. But in the last 48 hours it's seemed to get redder, thicker, stringier and have a few small clots. Is this normal?
Am I just doing too much?
Should I be worried?
I already emailed my doctor yesterday. But they haven't gotten back to me yet. So I wondered if anyone has any experience with this type of post partum discharge? 
It's still only bleeding like a light/medium period. Not super heavy. Just darker or bright red and very stretchy / thick not like normal period blood. 
If it's at all pertinent info:
Went all natural
Only a small amount of pitocin after birth to get out placenta
They didn't believe any was retained (it was very large)
Uterus appeared to be contracting back to size correctly
Some cramping and swelling. But not terrible. 
Only small superficial tears
Still very swollen legs and feet that they told me not to worry about. 
I'm on an iron supplement ferrous gluconate. 
Son won't latch so I'm pumping but not breast feeding directly. 